Georgia Moves to Block Enforcement of Federal Gun Control Laws Through House Bill 1009

The Essence of House Bill 1009

Introduced by Rep. Charlice Byrd, House Bill 1009, or the Second Amendment Preservation Act, seeks to safeguard gun rights by ensuring that only Georgia’s firearm laws are enforced within the state, effectively nullifying federal gun control efforts. Specifically, the bill prohibits the use of state resources or personnel for enforcing federal gun control measures, including any federal acts, executive orders, regulations, statutes, or ordinances that pertain to firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition​​​​.

Implications of the Legislation

The implications of House Bill 1009 are far-reaching. By preventing state and local enforcement of federal gun control laws, Georgia sets a precedent that could challenge the federal government’s authority over gun regulation within its borders. The bill includes a comprehensive prohibition against state or local cooperation in the enforcement of federal gun control, without necessitating a determination of constitutionality. This includes significant federal gun control measures such as the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968, bump stock bans, and any future federal gun control initiatives​​.

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