Governor Kemp Tells Republicans To Leave The Party

January 31, 2023

By Pria L. Shabazz

It’s no secret that Governor Brian Kemp has said his farewells to the Republican party. He’s even gone one step further by creating his very own coalition. In a statement he said,” We can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure to win in the future.”

Back in 2023, Kemp refused to attend the GOP state convention, and has since called for donors to cease making donations to the party, altogether, according to reports.

“I was just laying out the blue print, for any candidate to be able to win, is to talk about what we’re for. Focus on the future not look in the review mirror,” Gov. Kemp said, during his interview.

So far, Kemp has raised over $1.2 million for his committees. According to reports, he held a private donor retreat in Sea Island, and has continued raising funds for his own committees since.

Through out the state he’s declined GOP calls for Republican leaders and has inserted members of his own coalition, according to an interview with NBC News.

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