Severe Weather Preparedness Week -Monday: Family Preparedness

The National Weather Service recognizes this week as “ Severe Weather Preparedness Week ”. Each day will have a different category with tips on how to prepare for types of severe weather we see here in Georgia. Today is “ Family Preparedness ”.

The best way to prepare for severe weather is to have a family disaster plan. Learn what severe weather impacts your area and go from there. It is good to have a set place to meet if your family gets separated and have an out of state contact to let them know that you’re okay. Once this plan is in place, it is a good idea to practice the plan with the whole family .

Next, is to put together a disaster kit that you can grab quickly. This should include supplies to last your family and pets for at least three days. This can include water, food, medications, a first aid kit, a radio, a can opener, and a phone charger. There may not be available electricity where you are, so make sure the kit has supplies that do not need electricity to function like battery operated electronics. It is also a good idea to bring comforting items for children and pets like toys, stuffed animals, and blankets.

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