Georgia QuickStart breaks ground on $60m, 90k-square-foot Hyundai training facility

A lone honeybee weaved among the lenses of photographers and videographers, who were capturing Georgia QuickStart’s new Hyundai Mobility Training Center groundbreaking.

The bee then hovered over a staged pile of dirt that awaited the spades of polished shovels. The bee soon flew off to points unknown. Its path was likely across a portion of the leveled, upturned, or developed 1,700 acres of land at the Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America (HMGMA) site. Land that is traversed by hundreds, if not thousands, of large construction vehicles and over 5,000 construction workers each day.

The dignitaries staffing the ceremonial shovels included Scott McMurray, deputy commissioner of Georgia Quick Start; Oscar Kwon, HMGMA CEO; Mark Peevy chief of staff, Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG); Brent Stubbs, HMGMA senior manager and head of learning and development; and Carter Infinger, chairman of the Savannah-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority (JDA).

An official from QuickStart confirmed that the state-funded training center will cost an estimated $62.5 million.

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