Smothered Fried Potato Recipe: Easy and Delicious!

I love making fried potatoes, it is one of my families favorite side dishes, but occassionally I make them with a lot of add ins and we truly enjoy them. This recipe is very simple to make. You will need the following ingredients:


2 – 3 cups of potatoes, diced into bite size pieces

1/2 onion, finely diced

1/2 bell pepper, finely diced

1 clove of garlic, minced

1/2 pound of bacon, fried and the drippings saved

1 cup of shredded cheese

2 tablespoons of fresh chives or sliced green onions

salt and pepper to taste

Preheat a large skillet to medium heat and add the bacon and cook it until it is cooked through. Save the grease though because that is what I am gonna fry the potatoes in.

Smothered Fried PotatoesPhoto bySheree

Remove the bacon and cut it into small bite size pieces. Tip: You can cut the bacon into small pieces before you fry it for faster frying.

Smothered Fried PotatoesPhoto bySheree

Leave about 2 tablespoons of bacon grease in the skillet and add the potatoes, onions, pepper, salt, pepper and garlic and cook the potatoes until they are cooked through. I add a lid to my potatoes while they are cooking but you do not have too.

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