HECO reveals new map for the Public Safety Power Shutoff program

HONOLULU (KHON2) — A new searchable online map allows Hawaiian Electric customers to see if they are part of HECO’s new Public Safety Power Shutoff program that went into effect July 1.

The PSPS aims to shut off power in high-risk wildfire areas “in the event of extreme weather conditions.”

These improved maps were among the most requested features that came up during our meetings with communities to talk about the PSPS program; so, we worked hard to provide it as soon as possible. We hope this new search feature will help people make their own preparations.

Jim Kelly | HECO Vice President, Government & Community Relations & Corporate Communications

Customers can search for their addresses on the map to determine if they are in a PSPS area or near one.

“Anyone who is close to a PSPS area on the map should play it safe and be prepared, even though their address may not be included,” added Kelly.

According to their website, HECO will give 24 to 48 hours notice, statements from the NWS and weather data to customers in affected areas before initiating the shutdown.

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