The Most Terrifying Bridge in Idaho Will Put You in a Cold Sweat

Have you ever driven across an impossibly high bridge or traversed a swinging, poorly-made structure unsuitable for travel? If so, you may understand the anxiety felt by being at the mercy of something meant to take you safely from one point to the other.

Idaho currently has 4,588 bridges within its boundaries, with 235 in poor condition. Five percent of Idaho’s bridges are structurally deficient and need repair and maintenance. While Idaho is not the best state in the country for safe bridges, it’s also not the worst. But bridges in disarray are not the only ones that can be scary to drive across.

Some may be famous for their impressive height, death-defying antics, and ghost stories. Check out the most terrifying bridge in Idaho, including why it’s so well-known, and other frightening bridges across the state.

What is the Most Terrifying Bridge in Idaho?

The Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls is often cited as the most terrifying bridge in Idaho. This four-lane truss arch bridge carries US Highway 93 across the Snake River Canyon and the river below. Spanning 1,500 feet in total length and towering 486 feet above the river, Perrine Bridge is the eighth-highest bridge in the United States . Its impressive height among rugged canyons and rushing water are one of the main reasons many are terror-stricken to cross its length. Those afraid of heights may find it particularly frightening, but even those without the phobia may find it difficult to cross, especially if you look down at the valley below. Just don’t do it while driving!

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