State House Passes Bill Allowing Concealed-Carry Guns In Schools

Idaho House Passes Bill Allowing Concealed-Carry Guns in Schools: A Step Towards Safety or a Leap into Danger?

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In a decision that has sparked heated debate, the Idaho House of Representatives has recently passed a bill allowing concealed-carry guns in schools. This controversial move has ignited conversations about school safety, gun control, and the role of educators in ensuring student protection.

House Bill 415 was passed on February 3, 2024, despite significant opposition from various educational institutions and teachers’ unions. The bill allows any public school employee with an “enhanced” concealed weapons permit to carry a gun within the premises of the school. This includes hallways, classrooms, and even lunchrooms.

The requirements for acquiring an enhanced permit include being 21 years or older, having taken an 8-hour gun course, undergoing a background check, and having lived in Idaho for at least six months. Records of armed school employees would be kept confidential and shared only with local law enforcement.

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