Dry February? Another dismal snowpack means cutting back again

Oregon is faring better than Washington and Idaho, but record lows will put irrigators in a tough spot come spring

Better days: Snowpack across the Northwest is suffering in comparison with previous years. File photo: Idaho Farm Bureau Federation

By Kendra Chamberlain. February 6, 2024. Washington’s Statewide Drought Lead, Caroline Mellor, is predicting a tough spring for the state’s water rights holders.

The Washington Department of Ecology declared a drought emergency in 12 watersheds and across 12 counties last summer. There’s no indication the state’s water supplies will recover this year.

“Now is the time for water users to start making plans for a dry spring,” Mellor said during a water supply committee meeting last month. “Start thinking about your seasonal water rights transfers because there’s no reason to believe drought conditions will end soon.”

The Pacific Northwest has seen less snowpack this winter than normal, which will likely put irrigators in a tight spot during the summer months.

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