Cannibalism bill again shows Republican Idaho legislators can’t be taken seriously Opinion

As if we needed another example that so many of Idaho’s Republican lawmakers can’t be taken seriously.

Comes now perennial offender Rep. Heather Scott , R-Blanchard, with a bill to expand the state’s ban of cannibalism .

She wants to expand the ban on cannibalism because she saw a video of people being fed sausages who were later told the sausages were made with human flesh.

“I didn’t want to see that in my Home Depot stores,” Scott told the House State Affairs Committee (where all crazy bills are born).

Turns out, of course, the video was a prank. No one was fed human flesh unawares.

Scott’s bill is based entirely on a video-recorded prank that Scott couldn’t even have been bothered to research.

In other words, this isn’t even happening. It’s not a problem. It’s not real.

But that’s where we are in Idaho: Unhinged, unreal legislators can bring forth just about any crazy idea and get a bill printed.

“This is going to be normalized at some point, the way our society’s going and the direction we’re going,” said Scott, who introduced her bill by quoting a Bible passage.

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