Lake Cascade Ice Safety Alert: F&G Urges Precautions for Local Anglers and Polar Plungers

Idaho Fish and Game (F&G) has warned ice anglers and ‘polar plunge’ enthusiasts about potential dangers on Lake Cascade. This follows reports of large square holes cut into the ice, which, when refrozen, weaken the ice and pose a risk to users. A recent incident involved a snowmobile falling through a refrozen hole, though no injuries were reported.

F&G advises those who cut holes for polar plunges to mark the area clearly before leaving. This is due to the low visibility in winter, making it important for markings to be easily seen. The department also discourages creating these holes near public access sites like docks or boat launches.

F&G also recommends not taking a polar plunge alone due to the potential fatal shock from the cold water and the difficulty of exiting the water without help. A buddy system is advised for such activities.

The department further suggests having necessary safety equipment ready to quickly rescue someone from the cold water. This is key to ensuring participant safety and reducing accident risks.

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