Readers say: Governors are complicit in Abbott’s border theater

The governor of Idaho joins Abbott’s

border stunt and this taxpayer isn’t happy

Re: Feb. 5 article, ‘In Eagle Pass, Greg Abbott and GOP governors strike familiar themes about border unrest’

Governor (Brad) Little went to the Texas border, all expenses paid by us, the Idaho taxpayers. This is a political stunt on a national level and I strongly object to Idaho tax dollars funding it.

Most of the illegal drugs smuggled into the U.S. are at overland ports of entry by U.S. citizens, not by asylum seekers wading across the Rio Grande, looking for a better life for themselves and their families.

The party of Trump cannot govern, so they have to use fear tactics like an invasion across the Mexico-U.S. border to try and get votes. We all know this is a lie and I find it repugnant that my tax dollars are being spent to bring more focus on this lie.

America is great when we choose country over political party. Think about this in the voting booth.

Chris Honcik, Garden City, Idaho

With his defiance, Abbott makes

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