We voted to deter fentanyl traffickers. Canyon County senators should do the same Opinion

Today, Idaho is embattled in an urgent war against fentanyl trafficking. The devastation that this poisonous drug is leaving in its wake is unprecedented, unnecessary, and avoidable. Because with fentanyl, it isn’t a matter of if a one-time, recreational, or habitual user will encounter a deadly dose, but when.

Idaho must cut off the flow of fentanyl at the knees. That is why I vehemently support House Bill 406 and its stringent ramifications for those found guilty of trafficking fentanyl. It is important to point out that all elected members of the House of Representatives from Canyon County voted in favor of this bill. We are united in wanting to put the pushers of this deadly poison behind bars for a set amount of time and I want to see the good senators from Canyon County join me in their vote. Our districts have seen the ramifications of fentanyl and that is why we need to be a united front in our fight against these drug traffickers. I hope that after the Senate votes, I can stand and say that 100% of the elected leaders from Canyon County stood in this fight together, and that we will do all we can to support our law enforcement and protect our constituents.

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