The Dwindling Snowpack: Environmental and Agricultural Impacts in the Pacific Northwest

video by KTVB


• The snowpack in the Pacific Northwest, including Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, has decreased by about 60% in some areas over the last 75 years, leading to concerns about the future of the region’s winters and environmental health.

• Meteorologist Leah Pezzetti reports on the unusually warm winter in the Cascade Mountains near Seattle, which could indicate what future winters might look like in the area.

• Meteorologist Jeremy Lagoo discusses the environmental changes affecting both the Cascade and Rocky Mountain ranges, with implications for the broader ecosystem.

• Meteorologist Sophia Bliss highlights the challenges faced by farmers in southern Idaho due to the shrinking snowpack, which affects irrigation and farming practices, as water management systems are strained by the changing conditions.

• Environment reporter Kale Williams explores the impact of the reduced snowpack on salmon populations in Oregon, noting the shift from snow to rain in some areas and the subsequent effects on fishermen and local economies.

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