Not only East Idaho is hurt by the water crisis. South Idaho farmers need water too Opinion

When you think of Idaho, the first thing that comes to mind is agriculture. It is the backbone of our state’s economy and identity. From barley and wheat to beef and milk, the farmers and ranchers of southern Idaho are the reason so many of us have quality food on our tables.

There is one key ingredient needed by every agricultural producer, no matter the location: water. Unfortunately, it appears some have forgotten that eastern Idaho is not the only recipient of this essential resource from the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer — all southern Idaho farmers rely on that same water .

Now, nearly 200,000 acres of productive farmland in Twin Falls County are seeing a shortfall of critical water due to the unlawful actions of a few groundwater districts in eastern Idaho.

As elected representatives for Twin Falls County, it is our job as county commissioners to protect the best interests of our constituents. And in our county, most of our citizens are involved in the agriculture industry. It is truly the lifeblood of our region. But southern Idaho is also a desert, so it is thanks to our efficient irrigation systems that our agricultural producers can utilize the dry climate to grow the best crops.

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