Grizzly bear attacks and injures archery hunter in northern Idaho

Finding ways to coexist with grizzly bears in Montana 13:44

An archery hunter was injured in a grizzly bear attack on Sunday in a remote part of northern Idaho, wildlife officials said.

The hunter encountered the bear while out with a friend near Henrys Lake in Island Park, a relatively isolated area some 60 miles west of Yellowstone National Park that is known for its natural landscape, according to Idaho Fish and Game. He was hunting elk in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest when the grizzly attacked, the agency said.

Officials said the hunter was knocked down and bitten by the adult bear. The hunter and his friend used sidearms to fire shots at the animal, which stopped the attack from progressing and ultimately killed the bear.

The hunters called 911 and responders transported the injured person by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for treatment. Idaho Fish and Game said conservation officers were able to confirm that the hunters “acted in self-defense during a surprise encounter with the bear from a very close distance,” after conducting an investigation into the incident.

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