Check fraud charmer: Idaho veteran left trail of lies before American Legion allegations

The Idaho prison system delivered Charles Abrahamson for his parole hearing in summer 2010. He strode into the prison courtroom with the sole focus of convincing the review board that he had learned his lesson this time, and was no longer a threat to society.

At different points, including as a U.S. Marine in the Gulf War, he mostly went by Chuck or Abe. But today it was Mr. Abrahamson. He spent years in custody waiting to plead his case before the panel that had the power to set him free. Now it was showtime.

Abrahamson served almost seven years in prison for what amounted to repeat check fraud and was turned down before for parole. He sought to change the board members’ minds this time, and his talent for telling a story and knack for sales would prove handy.

Court records revealed that Abrahamson in the past touted a long list of distinctions that he fabricated to curry favor, including loyal husband, invested father, decorated war hero, CIA operative, Notre Dame graduate and cancer survivor. Those close to him told the Idaho Statesman they grew to wish they never trusted him.

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