Record number of Idaho schools are offering full-day kindergarten, and more are pushing to expand preschool access

Originally published Sept. 5 on {a style=”font-size: 12px ” href=””}{/a}.Statewide, a record number of schools are offering full-day kindergarten — and more education leaders are pushing to expand preschool access.

This school year, nearly 90% of the state’s traditional school districts are offering full-day kindergarten. That’s up from 75% in 2021-22, the school year before an influx of additional state funding for early literacy started flowing to districts.

School leaders are also pushing to increase access to preschool. While most districts offer developmental preschool for students with disabilities, it’s unclear how many offer preschool to the general population, because these numbers are not reported to the state. However, a recent grant distribution has made the rising interest apparent.

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