Walmart Has A Secret New Way To Track Idaho Customers

If you ever buy something at Walmart, you are being tracked. You might not know just how much they know about you, but they know a surprising amount. Tracking customers isn’t really new for Walmart. The reason they’re tracking you has recently expanded. It used to be that they only wanted information about individual customers to specifically target ads to individual customers. They still do this by tracking your purchase history and matching that up with your personal information like your name, phone number, address, and email address that they get from their loyalty programs or your account. They also watch what you’re looking at on their website and app, especially the things you buy or put in your wish list. When you walk into their store and connect to their wifi, they analyze how you travel through it and what displays you may have walked by. They pay attention to how you fill out customer surveys and how you view specific brands on social media. They use cameras to see what parts of the store you return to and spend the most time in.

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