Made in Idaho: Ay Que Pica Salsa bringing culture and flavor to Idaho

A dream made into reality. After taking a leap and creating Ay Que Pica, business owners Karla and Victor Arias’s love for food and culture has made it into stores like Boise Co-Op and now Fred Myers across the Treasure Valley.

  • A dream brought to Idaho has skyrocketed through the Treasure Valley.
  • After getting into the Boise Co-op, Arias made it a mission to get into other stores.
  • After sending numerous samples they are now in Fred Myers in the Treasure Valley.

( Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

“Sell salsa, make salsa, you make such amazing salsa, and that’s how it started and we brought that dream to Idaho,” said Ay Que Pica business owner Karla Arias.

In 2021 the Arias family had a dream to start something new and after neighbors urged them to start selling salsa to the public they finally went for it.

But had no idea that their love for food and culture would skyrocket.

“And he was my biggest supporter and said alright let’s do it,” said Arias.

Karla and Victor Arias and their family moved to Idaho with a dream of selling salsa, and after doing some research they started selling it in local food markets.

Story continues