This Bakery in Norridge claims to have the best Chocolate Donut in Illinois

Is there a perfect donut? According to this Norridge bakery, they have the best chocolate donuts in all of Illinois. This leads me to my next location to determine if it is truly the best.

Algeretti’s Bakery in Norridge.

This famous local bakery has been around for decades tucked away in a small strip mall off of Lawrence Avenue in Norridge.

This small bakery makes fresh pastries and donuts daily. They are famous for all of their pastries, but they have a cult following for one donut in particular their chocolate “crack” donut.

insidePhoto bycfk

My first visit was on Halloween. The bakery had about six customers and a couple of women working behind the counter.

This place is extremely old school Everyone is so nice, but be prepared to wait if there are more than three customers. Everything moves somewhat slowly.

insidePhoto bycfk

I waited for about 25 minutes for my turn in line. I simply asked for the chocolate donut and they knew exactly what I was talking about. No clarification is needed. I double-checked and asked if this was the “Crack” donut. The worker smiled and said yes and that this was the famous chocolate donut.

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