(WBBM NEWSRADIO) — Illinois women respond, after a new survey shows that a majority of Illinois men asked are happy with a fast food first date. Chick-Fil-A was their top choice.
“This is why men are single and women are celibate and not having children, and we have a problem of not having children in the world, because Chick-Fil-A is the standard of first dates,” one woman said.
“Yeah that is not OK,” another woman confirmed.
The ladies WBBM asked in downtown Chicago said that they’d rather pay for a nice meal on a first date, than meet up for some fast food.
“No, there are nicer places to take a woman out, rather than a fast food restaurant.”
They shared that there are any number of options for men when trying to avoid breaking the wallet.
“Use your brain. There’s a museum that is free some days of the week. It’s maybe 20 bucks. Go to the zoo, go on a walk.”
They say it’s really not asking much.
“I mean if you’re broke, just say that. You don’t have to take me all the way to Chick-Fil-A.”