What do those little colorful flags placed in yards mean?

HENDERSON, Ky. (WEHT) – Sometimes little flags of a certain color are put on people’s lawns. But why are the flags put down on those lawns?

Officials with Kentucky 811 say that the flags that are placed on lawns are placed by utilities when locating and marking underground infrastructure and utilities. Per Kentucky law, a person needs to contact Kentucky 811 and non-member utilities to have their services located prior to digging.

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State officials in Indiana gave two reasons why there could be little flags placed on someone’s property. The first reason is that utility companies may mark lines of conduit. Maybe someone puts a little flag on a lawn every month. It is supposed to warn the lawn owner and others that the lawn has been treated with a pesticide and/or herbicide and/or fertilizer. But that tiny flag represents a very serious health risk to anyone in the vicinity of the toxic lawn application. The second reason could be utility flags. These flags are used to mark the location of underground utility lines such as water, gas, electricity and cable lines. The primary reason for these flags is to help utility workers locate the lines for maintenance or repair work.

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