Local Schools May Limit Cell Phone Use in Classrooms: Indiana Legislature Reviews Bill


The Indiana Legislature is reviewing a bill to restrict cell phone use in classrooms. Senate Bill 185 mandates school districts to establish policies that prevent students from using cell phones or similar devices during class, unless allowed by the teacher for educational reasons. The bill permits cell phone use during emergencies, health management, or as part of a student’s individual education program. The policy must be displayed on the school’s website. The bill has been approved by the Senate and the House and will return to the Senate without changes.

State Sen. Jeff Raatz, R-Richmond, the bill’s author and chair of the Senate education committee, stated that the bill would necessitate each Indiana school to create a policy that restricts cell phone use in classrooms. He believes this would help students focus on their lessons.

The bill is a reaction to concerns about the effect of cell phones on students’ focus and mental health. A 2023 Education Week article, based on a national survey, showed that about a quarter of teachers, principals, and district leaders believe cellphones should be banned from schools. The article also noted that nearly 90% of teens aged 13 and older own a smartphone, which can be distracting in schools.

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