New Indiana Law Expands Access to State Disaster Relief Funds Amid Rising Storm Damage Costs

SIMONTON LAKE, Ind. — Cleanup efforts continue at Wakeside Marine, still reeling from the severe storms that struck nearly three weeks ago. With a tarp covering a significant hole in the main building’s siding, the extent of the damage is a stark reminder of the growing cost of extreme weather events. Nationwide, 2024 has already seen eleven “billion-dollar” weather disasters in the first half of the year.

As of July 1, Indiana residents have more support available for such damages, thanks to a new law aimed at enhancing access to state disaster relief funds. Senate Bill 190 increases the maximum payout for storm damage from $10,000 to $25,000, offering greater financial relief for property owners.

A significant shift in the legislation also changes how the state aids property owners affected by flooding. “If you have property that’s damaged by flooding and it didn’t affect a building, you were kind of out of luck,” explained Jennifer Tobey, Executive Director of Elkhart County Emergency Management. “Now, you might be able to get some money or reimbursements for the property that was damaged as well.”

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