Proposed bill could add age restrictions to social media in Indiana

(HENDERSON, Ky. WEHT)- A proposed state bill in Indiana could force thousands of kids and teens off of social media sites if passed.

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The bill introduced by State Senator Mike Bohacek (R- Michiana Shores) would require kids under the age of 16 to receive their parent’s permission in order to visit sites such as TikTok, Instagram and other social media platforms. The bill proposes that parents who want to give their children access to social media before the age of 16 would need to upload their credit card information to the sites, and virtually consent each year until their child turns 16. Parents would also be allowed to revoke their permission at any time.

The bill would also allow parents to file a civil lawsuit against social media sites that do not comply, and parents of kids who are bullied online could also file a civil suit against the bully’s parents.

The bill will likely go before state lawmakers in the next session, and authors are working with content providers such as Google and Apple to address any necessary changes.

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