‘AEA lifts us up’: 3 testimonials from Iowa families about special education services

Iowa Senate lawmakers last week advanced a proposal from Gov. Kim Reynolds to overhaul the state’s Area Education Agency system. The AEAs, as they’re more popularly known, facilitate special education services for students and provide other services for educators and school districts. These Iowa families wrote to the Register about concerns that the AEAs’ irreplaceable work with them and their family members might be compromised by the governor’s plan.

AEA taught us how to parent with Cam’s unique needs

Imagine realizing, before your own child is 6 months old, that you have no idea how to parent him. That was our reality, with our youngest son, Cameron. Adopted at birth, we thought we had prepared for everything, but found ourselves in entirely uncharted territory. It was beyond terrifying.

We felt alone, and insufficient to the task, when Cam couldn’t roll over, couldn’t sit up, couldn’t even lift his own head. Private therapy, amazing as it has been, came with many precious months lost to an extensive waiting list; scheduling and availability remains a permanent headache, even here in Des Moines.

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