Iowa conservatives attend Iowa Faith & Freedom Fall Banquet

DES MOINES, Iowa — The 24th Annual Iowa Faith & Freedom Fall Banquet brought conservatives together from across the state, with some national figures in attendance.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley and former ICE Director Tom Homan were the headline speakers on Saturday night at the Holiday Inn near the Des Moines International Airport.

Congressman Zach Nunn from IA-03 and Congresswoman Ashley Hinson from IA-02 spoke at the banquet; along with Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird.

“So as we march into this I am proud that we get to be the party of security. I am proud that we are the party reforming the economy. I am proud that we are the party that’s been able to help seniors and help lift up young people,” said Congressman Nunn.

“There is no greater concern to me than the true policy failures out of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She is a disaster in waiting,” said Congresswoman Hinson. “And then you contrast that with what we’ve got here in Iowa and the great leadership of our governor. Traveling the world to advocate for Iowa, traveling the state to advocate the bills we have done here in Iowa. What a contrast, right? Again my whole goal is to make sure D.C. runs a little bit more like the state of Iowa.”

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