Undocumented immigrants should be apprehended by police Letters

Undocumented immigrants should be apprehended

Regarding the Dec. 29 editorial “Rounding up immigrants is not a job for Iowa soldiers and police,” by definition illegal immigrants have committed a crime. They are in our country illegally, which means they have broken a law. Is not breaking a law considered a crime? Is it not the job of police and law enforcement to apprehend criminals or those who break the law? So what is so wrong with the police assisting with the apprehension of criminals?

Dennis Pine, Sioux City

Shut off the water!

Wasting water ranks high on my list of irritations. It is selfish and irresponsible when people mindlessly let water run while washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, shaving, or brushing their teeth.

Recently we were helping friends during meal cleanup when I noticed the water running nonstop. Choosing my words carefully, I mentioned how much water is wasted by leaving the faucet on. Their response was “Hey, it’s not a big deal here because water is really cheap.” They were clueless.

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