As presidential election approaches, my stomach quivers. Here’s how to steady our nerves in Kansas.

Voters walk into cast their ballots at the Center Point Church on Nov. 8, 2022, in Orem, Utah. (George Frey/Getty Images)

If I could take any time off from being a journalist or feeling interested in politics, it would be the October before a general election.

No disrespect to those of you who find these weeks thrilling and exciting. But I have worked as a professional journalist through four of these consarned crucibles (2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016, before taking a break in 2020 for nonprofit work), and each cycle drained me further of the will to live.

The fault is not that of journalists, at least not the dedicated reporters I’ve worked with for most of my career. No, the fault rests with political parties, cable news channels and social media clickbait factories that treat every day in the runup to a presidential election as THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN HISTORY.

DID YOU SEE WHAT YOUR HATED OR BELOVED CANDIDATE DID? Stay tuned! Before you leave this page, are you sure you don’t want to click through a slideshow for the WORST VICE PRESIDENTS EVER ?

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