Ky. lawmaker revives push for more thorough background checks on school staff

Educators who apply for jobs in Kentucky schools would be subject to more thorough background checks under a measure that advanced in a House committee Tuesday morning.

House Bill 275 would require school districts and private schools to check with applicants’ previous employers to see if any allegations of sexual misconduct led to their termination or resignation.

The measure would also require schools to finish investigations into allegations of sexual abuse, even after the employee has resigned.

Supporters, like University of Kentucky senior Kotomi Yokokura, say the bill would prevent abusers from moving between districts under the radar.

“I hope you vote in favor of this bill to show our students — our kids — that as a state, we care about protecting them from sexual misconduct in their schools,” Yokokura told lawmakers at a committee meeting.

It was the second session in a row Yokokura traveled to Frankfort to support the proposal and share her personal experience with lawmakers of being sexually abused by a Kenton County teacher.

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