Kentucky Gas Station Has ‘Disco Party’ Button in Bathroom

The HOP Shop in Vernona, Kentucky, is now outfitted with what the gas station calls ‘the coolest bathroom’

Those traveling through Kentucky wishing they could relieve themselves while engulfed in flashing lights and the unmistakable pulsating beats of the disco era are in for a treat.

The HOP Shop in Vernona, Kentucky, is now outfitted with what the gas station calls “the coolest bathroom.”

Those who enter the bathroom may be fooled. At the outset, it appears as normal as any other gas station, except for a large red button on the wall reading “Do Not Push.” The defiant among us, however, will be rewarded with a disco transformation if they choose to push the button.

“The lights go out, the music starts, the spotlights come on, and the Disco ball starts spinning,” the shop explained on its website. “You can dance and bust some moves. It is hilarious!”

The idea was sparked by Damon Bail, Valor Oil’s vice president of retail marketing and operations. Valor Oil is the parent company of HOP Shops.

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