Mitch McConnell, 81, Kentucky Senator, Urges Funding To Protect ‘American Interests’ Against Threats

During a recent Senate session address, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called for increased funding to Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of supporting the nation’s defense capabilities against Vladimir Putin’s aggression.

Senator McConnell underscored that the U.S. involvement in Ukraine is rooted in “cold, hard American interests” rather than charitable motives or abstract international principles.

“It’s in the United States’ direct interest for authoritarians not to feel free to redraw maps by force,” Senator McConnell stated.

The Kentucky Republican argued that assisting Ukraine in countering Russian aggression aligns with U.S. interests, preventing the unchecked expansion of authoritarian influence and contributing to the degradation of a major adversary’s military without the commitment of American lives.

While commending European allies for their contributions to Ukraine, McConnell stressed the ongoing necessity of American leadership.

“The West’s efforts to deter and defend against our adversaries still require an engaged America,” Senator McConnell noted.

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