Bill to lessen high wind roof damage heads to the Kentucky House

A bill before the Kentucky House provides for insurance discounts for single-family homeowners who modify roofs for better water protection. The bill tabbed the Strengthen Kentucky Homes Act passed out of committee Wednesday.

Over the past three years thousands of Kentuckians have dealt with tornado, flood, and straight-line wind damage. Among other things, HB 256 calls for lower insurance premiums if roofs meet fortified standards. The non-profit Smart Home America educates builders and insurers about roofing upgrades. President Julie Shiyou Woodard said this means more secure roof decking and a secondary water barrier.

“If there is enough of a straight-line or convective storm that removes that shingle, but there’s a rain event, you’re not going to see the people with the fortified roof displaced for long periods of time,” said Shiyou Woodard.

Shiyou Woodard said shingles may be lost but water won’t get in to increase damage and mean replacing carpet, furniture, and belongings.

GOP Bill Sponsor Sarge Pollock said up to $5 million within the State Department of Insurance would go to help roofers get certified and help offset modification costs.

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