Look beneath the surface to fully appreciate Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave has been captivating imaginations for thousands of years.

“Obviously, the geology is amazing. It’s what (first) brought people here and what brings people back to study this region,” said Mammoth Cave National Park spokesperson Molly Schroer. “I mean, what drives a person to go into a dark, mysterious hole in the ground? It’s curiosity.”

Hundreds of thousands of visitors are drawn to the Kentucky marvel each year.

“When they get down there and they feel that darkness and they feel that sense of wonder, they really do connect to the cave and see what a special location it is,” Schroer said.

Here’s what travelers should know about Mammoth Cave, the latest national park in USA TODAY’s yearlong series.

What is special about Mammoth Cave?

Mammoth Cave is the longest-known cave system in the world.

“There are caves that have larger rooms, but we are the longest,” Schroer said. “We are currently mapped at 426 miles. We are still finding more cave. The explorers tell us there’s no end in sight at this point.”

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