Kentucky Farmer Faces Federal Charges for Alleged Loan Fraud

A Central Kentucky farmer, Mark D. Easley, finds himself at the center of legal turmoil, indicted by a federal grand jury for fraudulent activities related to a loan from Farm Credit Mid-America. The charges include making false statements on a loan application and unlawfully selling collateral pledged for the loan.

Details of the Indictment

Easley’s indictment stems from actions between October and November 2019, where he is accused of securing a $215,000 line of credit through deceptive means. Further allegations claim he sold off the pledged assets—364 head of cattle valued at approximately $406,793, along with equipment—without repaying the loan in full. This disposal of property reportedly occurred from October 2019 to December 2020.

Legal Battles and Defense

Following the indictment, Farm Credit Mid-America pursued legal action against Easley in state court, culminating in a lawsuit in September 2020. Easley’s defense, as articulated by his attorney Kenneth Baker, portrays a scenario of a farmer struggling against market volatility and unforeseen circumstances, asserting that Easley’s intent was to restore his farm’s profitability.

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