Kentucky legislation tied to home deliveries moves along

Kentucky lawmakers are considering legislation that could affect home delivery workers and the corresponding businesses. House Bill 280 focuses on insurance coverage for those drivers using their personal vehicles. Campbellsville GOP Representative Sarge Pollock said it clarifies that the business is responsible for providing the coverage.

“The time I accept that task is then at that point, on the way and to delivery is on the whoever company that I am representing,” said Pollock.

Pollock said the legislation is intended to close any loopholes and address gray areas. He noted people working in such jobs are often not employees of companies like Amazon or DoorDash as two examples.

“The personal auto policy excludes commercial use and so, at that point, as you’re accepting a job, a task, whatever you want to call it there..then at that’s considered commercial use,” said Pollock.

Pollock said every company has a different insurance platform, adding’s Amazon’s would look different from DoorDash. He noted every personal auto policy can also vary in its coverage. Pollock added once delivery is completed, the driver’s personal coverage kicks back in.

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