Federal Judge Deals Blow To EPA. Blocks Agency From Imposing Race-Based Mandates Against Louisiana

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Judge’s Gavel Drops on EPA’s Race-Based Regulations

In a twist that could make Lady Justice raise an eyebrow, a federal judge has thrown a mighty wrench into the gears of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Judge James Cain, of all people, decided to stand up for the State of Louisiana, of all places, against the EPA’s intrusive overreach. Judge James Cain has issued a ruling preventing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Justice from enforcing disparate impact regulations on the State of Louisiana.

Imagine the courtroom drama: On one side, we have the EPA, a federal behemoth that sometimes seems more powerful than Mother Nature herself. On the other, the State of Louisiana, famous for its spicy gumbo, jazz music, and now, for standing up to the big, bad EPA.

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