Louisiana Medical Cannabis Program Changes in 2024

What is the state enrollment process?

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Step 1. Visit www.MMJ.com to schedule the appointment.

Step 2. Speak with the doctor by telephone call or webcam.

Step 3. Select the pharmacy you would like to enroll in and the doctor will fax the certification to your pharmacy. That easy!


Anxiety disorders have become one of the top conditions for receiving medical cannabis since becoming a qualifying condition for the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana (PAMMJ) Program in 2019. Yet, the application of cannabis as a treatment for anxiety disorders has been a controversial issue in Pennsylvania. While the media coverage surrounding this has been largely negative, it is important to understand the broader context of why so many people are seeking out cannabis for their anxiety – and reporting that it does help.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the United States, affecting 31% of the population at some point in their lifetime while less than half ever receive treatment for their condition. The social stigma surrounding anxiety disorders are frequently cited as a reason why anxiety disorders are significantly under-diagnosed and under-treated. Moreover, since everyone deals with anxiety and stress to some degree as a normal part of daily life, anxiety is frequently swept under the rug which it can worsen. This is compounded by the lack of mental health professionals and a complex public and private health insurance system that does not reimburse mental healthcare providers directly, causing patients to jump through extra hoops without assurances their care will be covered by insurance. Furthermore, existing pharmaceutical therapies also come with mixed evidence while patients report less side effects as a main reason why they have replaced pharmaceuticals with cannabis to treat their medical conditions. While these pharmaceutical options may work for some, the side effects combined with the barriers of stigma and red tape to treatment cause some patients to turn to alternative treatments like cannabis for their anxiety. The research on cannabis as a treatment for anxiety is subject to change as it is very limited on a clinical level.

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