“Nothing Happens Overnight” – Lainey Wilson Talks About Working Hard & Being A Role Model For Little Girls

A role model we could all look up to.

Lainey Wilson is gearing up to release her her forthcoming Whirlwind album this month, and she’s been out on the road for her Country’s Cool Again tour since June, and still has a slew of dates left that run through November, ending in her home state of Louisiana.

And while on this run, she’s started to do a really cool thing each night where she crowns a “Cowgirl of the Night” from the audience. She pulls a little girl on stage, introduces them to the crowd and gifts the fan with a Lainey Wilson-styled cowgirl hat.

In addition, she’ll have themr ecite her mantra to the crowd like so:

“All you have to do- it’s real easy. Repeat after me, okay? Say, ‘I am beautiful. I am smart. I am talented. I can do anything. I am Cowgirl of the Night!’ Give it up for Nora! You look good too, girl.”

It’s a beautiful thing to see, and obviously, will leave a lasting impression on these young girls in a very positive way that we honestly need to see more of in society. I think Lainey is such a good role model, especially for young women, and is a shining example of what hard work and determination will get you.

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