Federal judge reinforces order for heat protection for Louisiana inmates at prison farm

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday ordered officials at the Louisiana State Penitentiary to increase shade and take other steps to protect prisoners doing agricultural labor from dangerous heat.

U.S. District Judge Brian Jackson’s order reinforced a similar one he issued in July. This one cites photographs showing inmates in the fields of a former slave plantation with a single pop-up tent for around 20 men, little protection from the sun and nowhere to sit. The photos were provided by Voice of the Experienced, the advocacy group that sued over conditions for inmates working the “farm line” at the immense prison farm in Angola.

“Taken at face value, Plaintiffs’ allegations in this matter have portrayed the State of Louisiana in a harsh and unflattering light. Defendants contribute to this depiction with their apparent obstinance towards proposing meaningful changes to conditions on the Farm Line,” Jackson, based in Baton Rouge, wrote.

A spokesperson for the state corrections department said officials would not comment until they had time to fully review Jackson’s order.

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