Landry calls for slashing tax breaks to address looming budget crisis

The governor wants to eliminate a hundred years of tax breaks in Louisiana law.

“What is plaguing Louisiana is the layer after layer after layer after layer, 100 years of layers of special interests inside of that tax code.”

Jeff Landry today put special interests across the state on notice that he wants to eliminate decades and decades of credits and exemptions.

The governor says leaders have to make sure policies are not good for just some in the state, but good for everyone.

“If we are willing to sacrifice some of those things, we will move Louisiana like you have never seen before.”

The so-called fiscal cliff predictions show Louisiana with a budget shortfall exceeding half a billion dollars in the coming years.

Invest in Louisiana says, “Balancing the state budget will become much more difficult starting next year when automatic tax cuts go into effect. While lawmakers have surplus and current-year excess dollars available in the upcoming budget cycle, revenues begin to decline in the 2025-26 fiscal year and are expected to flatline as state expenses go up.

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