Grieving mother pleas for boaters to stay sober

Marie Barton says her son Nick was only on the boat for 30 minutes when it crashed into a pylon.

Everyone was sent into the water and Nick never came back up.

“We lost our son to a boating accident out on the West River,” Barton told us as tears swelled in her eyes.

With grief in her heart, Barton worked to get Nick’s law passed.

It strengthens penalties for people caught boating under the influence.

“If it results in a death it’s five years, it also makes DNR have to have a database to track these BUI (boating under the influence) boaters,” said Barton.

Boating laws have strengthened in Maryland over the last few years.

Another new law makes penalties for boating and driving under influence the same.

Still, Barton wants to see more done, even boating insurance be required.

“There’s no boaters insurance so if you’re hurt out on that boat, there’s nothing to cover you. There was nothing for my son, there was nothing for me to do,” said Barton.

With the boating season in full swing DNR is beefing up patrol.

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