Maryland student organization addressing climate change concerns to voters

Maryland student organization raises awareness of climate change concerns 03:32

BALTIMORE — A student organization at the University of Maryland is raising awareness about climate change and its impact on the environment.

Climate change concerns continue to grow all around the country and Maryland is following the trend, even in red-leaning areas.

For the majority of Americans, though, it’s still not enough to drive peoples’ votes come election day.

American Conservation Coalition, a student group at the University of Maryland, is trying to make the public aware of climate change, no matter one’s politics.

Climate change is like a dark cloud over Sam Krakow’s future.

“I’m studying to be a teacher, and as a teacher, I don’t want my future students to live in a world, or grow up in a world that is unsafe for them,” he said.

Climate change is something Elizabeth Morrison saw right on her doorstep in Northern California.

“Wildfires were coming up and becoming more serious of an issue,” Morrison said.

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