Maryland State Police discrimination case settled for $2.7 million. What comes next.

Top state officials approved a $2.75 million settlement this week after a federal investigation turned up evidence of discriminatory hiring practices by the Maryland State Police.

The U.S. Department of Justice conducted a two-year investigation into state police hiring practices for a violation of Title VII, which prohibits discrimination against employees or applicants based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

The investigation found that the state police engaged in discriminatory practices against Black and female applicants, agency officials acknowledged in a meeting of the Maryland Board of Public Works on Wednesday.

The DOJ said that MDSP written tests disproportionately impacted Black candidates, while their physical fitness tests disproportionately impacted female candidates. The tests discriminated against candidates while failing to “meaningfully distinguish between applicants who can and cannot perform the position of Trooper,” according to a Department of Justice press release.

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