ADAMS, MASS. ( NEWS10 ) — Adams Ambulance, a private ambulance service in Berkshire County, had its license revoked by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The state agency says the company failed to provide adequate service. The operators of Adams Ambulance Service, however, tell NEWS10 that they’ve tried to meet the agency’s regulations and want their license back.
“I believe we provide a valuable service,” said co-manager Joshua Koch.
The company’s generations-long service in Berkshires came to a halt last November when financial issues led its previous managers to ask Massachusetts to cease operations, in violation of the state’s 30-day notice rule.
Employees however wanted to keep the service open, even getting management to take back the closure notice. They entered into negotiations for other local ambulance providers to take over their 911 coverage.
“We are worried that there will be difficulty in covering that,” said Koch
During this time, the new managers Koch and Daniel Norcross, fought to save the company. DPH however said they weren’t meeting regulations and revoked their operating license claiming in short that: Adams Ambulance Failed to ensure proper staffing to provide paramedic service 24/7 in accordance with its license and did not have a concrete plan for remedying the staffing issue.