Healey to drastically limit degree requirements on state job listings

This executive order will allow the state to bring more diversity into its hiring processes, benefitting the overall workforce, according to the governor.

State government job listings are going to look a little bit different, thanks to the work of Gov. Maura Healey.

The state will now only require a degree when “absolutely necessary,” following an executive order from Healey, according to a press release. She also encouraged businesses in the private sector to adopt this skill-based hiring practice earlier this week.

In a speech to the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) Thursday, she said the administration will move forward with hiring practices that focus on an applicant’s skills, knowledge, and abilities rather than strictly their listed credentials.

As the largest employer in Massachusetts, the state relies on its workforce for essential services, Healey said. This executive order will allow the state to bring more diversity into its hiring processes, benefitting the overall workforce, according to the statement. Especially since, according to the census, half of the potential workforce doesn’t have a college degree or higher level of education.

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