Massachusetts State Police Responds to Indictment of CDL Unit Members

The Massachusetts State Police, led by Colonel John Mawn Jr., Interim Superintendent, has taken a firm stance following a federal investigation into the Commercial Driver Licensing (CDL) Unit. Colonel Mawn Jr. expressed the Department’s commitment to integrity and honesty, emphasizing that the alleged actions of the indicted CDL Unit members contradict the values upheld by the majority of State Troopers.

In late 2022, the Massachusetts State Police was alerted to a federal probe into their CDL Unit for purported irregularities in testing procedures. This prompted an immediate internal review of the unit and full cooperation with federal authorities. The internal investigation uncovered that four CDL unit members received irregularly condensed training and CDL licenses, bypassing standard testing protocols. Additionally, certain CDL test applicants were found to have been granted passing scores without proper examination.

In response to these findings, Sgt. Gary Cederquist and other implicated members were reassigned, with Cederquist subsequently suspended pending investigation outcomes. The State Police has actively assisted the federal investigation, complying with over 15 subpoenas and coordinating closely with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

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