What You Should Know About Coyote Mating Season

(MASSACHUSETTS) Throughout the month of February, you may notice an increase in the amount of nighttime howling you hear. That is because it is officially coyote mating season, which marks a noticeable increase in their activity. Though these wild animals are very rarely a danger to humans, they can pose a significant risk to pets. Therefore, it is important to know the steps to take to avoid conflict with these wild animals.

Coyote Mating Season – What to Know

Coyote mating season starts in late January and runs through early March. During this time coyotes are much more active leading to more frequent sightings. Howling will be heard more often as coyotes will howl to advertise to a mate.

During mating season, coyotes become more active in marking and defending territory from other coyotes. Since they cannot easily distinguish other dogs from coyotes, they will treat the presence of any dogs as a threat. They may also become more aggressive, especially towards large-breed dogs they may normally avoid.

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