New England weather this week: Warming up, eventually

This week will be a quiet week across New England, with some light snow showers around in places. The week will also see a distinct warming trend as we head toward the weekend. Here’s the details:


The overall setup for New England changes very little during this time. A large cutoff low continues to swirl well east of New England. This keeps New England under cyclonic flow, but the system is too far east to produce much by way of precipitation for New England. Monday and Tuesday will remain seasonable with mostly sunny skies in most areas. The exception to the sun will be the Massachusetts South Shore and eastern Maine, where the low pressure to the east will cycle in some clouds.

Monday will remain breezy as the gradient between low pressure to the east and high pressure to the north and west remains put. This breeze will again be chilly and is the main factor in limiting temperatures from shooting above average. This setup keeps a persistent northerly flow into New England. The breeze will begin to slacken Tuesday as the gradient gradually eases.

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